Sunday, March 11, 2018

New Series 250: Good morning, Hatonn present in Light and Radiance of the One Source. Amen! As you pass your 16 year landmark, when your government, ISRAEL, and Military Intelligence Division Six, or British Intelligence/MI-6, attacked your national soil at the world Trade Center in New York City. It will be hard for some of our newer readers to accept that this was an “INSIDE JOB”, if you will. Even the Japanese “Sneak Attack”, on your Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii—was planned, set up, and staged! This was to bring about circumstances, in which your nation could join World War II. Your “secret government” behind the scenes, have gotten you into a LOT of “wars”, that you thought were for some important “National Security” reasons. This is how evil works, when destroying societies and cultures—through perpetual war and genocide of you-the-people! This is what you see with North Korea, the Chinese, and the Russian “Bear”. While Earth Man’s focus is on “distractions” of all sorts, the real enemy of the people has been right in front of you—ALL ALONG! YOU HAVE PUT THE SERPENT IN CHARGE OF YOUR NATION! Through deceit, false teachings, and secretly causing wars, the “Jew” has managed to become America’s overlord. The foreign policies, trade agreements—such as the treasonous NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement ushered in through the Clinton administration)—and COVERT ACTIONS are not controlled by your United States Congress. Nor do democrats or republicans dictate a single action, which exercises control over the destiny of your nation.

9/11/2017 from Hatonn/jonur (ns250)

Good morning, Hatonn present in Light and Radiance of the One Source. Amen!

As you pass your 16 year landmark, when your government, ISRAEL, and Military Intelligence Division Six, or British Intelligence/MI-6, attacked your national soil at the world Trade Center in New York City.  It will be hard for some of our newer readers to accept that this was an “INSIDE JOB”, if you will.  Even the Japanese “Sneak Attack”, on your Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii—was planned, set up, and staged!  This was to bring about circumstances, in which your nation could join World War II.  Your “secret government” behind the scenes, have gotten you into a LOT of “wars”, that you thought were for some important “National Security” reasons.  This is how evil works, when destroying societies and cultures—through perpetual war and genocide of you-the-people!
This is what you see with North Korea, the Chinese, and the Russian “Bear”.  While Earth Man’s focus is on “distractions” of all sorts, the real enemy of the people has been right in front of you—ALL ALONG!


Through deceit, false teachings, and secretly causing wars, the “Jew” has managed to become America’s overlord.  The foreign policies, trade agreements—such as the treasonous NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement ushered in through the Clinton administration)—and COVERT ACTIONS are not controlled by your United States Congress.  Nor do democrats or republicans dictate a single action, which exercises control over the destiny of your nation.


Therefore, any heinous, murderous act directed toward your country AND ITS PEOPLE—BY “YOUR OWN PEOPLE”—BECOMES POSSIBLE.  SO-CALLED “DUEL CITIZENSHIP” IS THE DIPLOMATIC LOOP-HOLE THINE ANEMY USES!  So, how can you defeat an adversary whom you believe to be your strongest ally???  Zionism is the “Beast from Revelation”!  The ones who call themselves “Jew” are Jesus’ bitter enemy!  Do you think Lucifer cares any more for the children, or “Followers” of Christ and God/Good-ness???  The thrust of evil is to wipe out Christianity—which MEANS WIPE OUT THE CHRISTIANS!

These false “Jews” or Khazar Zionists have gained control of your world and nation, because they captured your educational system.  Even your Holy Bible was tampered with, and tweaked, and had “passages” and “books” removed from the Scripture.  When the serpent (again, Khazar Jews called themselves “Serpent People”!) is teaching you descendants of “Adam and Eve”—how else did you expect to turn out??!!  You have been PROGRAMMED to behave the way that you do, by the very Satanists you profess to shield yourselves from!

The anniversary of “9/11” is a good opportunity to again demonstrate the sheer hatred, the Zionist Jew (Do not confuse Hebrew Judean Judaist with the Bolshevik “Communist” “J-E-W”.  One is the goodly tribe of your Holy Bible; the other is the “adversary” in those same scriptures.) has for you Christ-followers (“CHRISTIANS”—NO MATTER WHAT “RACE” OR “RELIGION”).  Since this is regarded as the worst KNOWN OR RECOGNIZED domestic terrorist strike on United States’ soil or territory, you need to see HOW an attack of such huge magnitude is possible, and WHY it can be kept secret from you-the-people!


Yes, we have covered this topic, and many others, in past writings.  However, our new readers need to be brought up to speed.  Also, how many of you “Seasoned Veterans” retain in total that which we bring?  Indeed, the lessons must continue, for it is your passage way out of the trap, precious ones.  God NEVER leaves His people in darkness and despair.  The candle light and the road map are ever before you.  God is your every step; why not walk with your hand in His, in that your journeys through this sojourn is assured?!  It is when YOU let go of God’s hand that you stumble and bumble in the dark, wandering off the trail He laid for you.
“My People Are Destroyed from Lack of Knowledge.”  So be it!

The US Government’s Use of Atomic Bombs at the WTC.

Two Huge Energy Bursts under WTC Towers.

By Christopher Bollyn
December 13, 2004

New Seismic Data Refutes Official Explanation of Collapses.

Two unexplained “spikes” in the seismic record from September 11 indicate huge bursts of energy shook the ground beneath the World Trade Center’s twin towers immediately prior to the collapse.

American Free Press has learned of pools of “molten steel” found at the base of the collapsed twin towers weeks after the collapse.  Although the energy source for these incredibly hot areas has yet to be explained.  New York seismometers recorded huge bursts of energy which caused unexplained seismic “spikes” at the beginning of each collapse.

These spikes suggest that massive underground explosions may have literally knocked the towers off their foundations, causing them to collapse.

In the basements of the collapsed towers, where the 47 central support columns connected with the bedrock, hot spots of “literally molten steel” were discovered more than a month after the collapse.  Such persistent and intense residual heat, 70 feet below the surface, in an oxygen starved environment, could explain how these crucial structural supports failed.

Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing, N.Y., told AFP that he saw pools of “literally molten “steel” at the World Trade Center.  Tully was contracted after the September 11 tragedy to remove the debris from the site.

Tully called Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of Phoenix, Md., for consultation about removing the debris.  CDI calls itself “the innovator and global leader in the controlled demolition and implosion of structures.”

Loizeaux, who cleaned up the bombed Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, arrived at the WTC site two days later and wrote the clean-up plan for the entire operation. (Hatonn:  This was the Jewish attack on the Oklahoma City FEDERAL BUILDING, blamed on Tim McVeigh, a so-called “White Supremacy supporter.  No Jewish office worker was killed in the DEMOLITION, they ALL did not go to work that day!  Interestingly enough, NO JEWISH OFFICE PERSONNEL WERE KILLED at the New York World Trade Center towers—again, they all were “late”, or “sick” that morning.  The Jewish Naval officers (The Office of Naval Intelligence—ONI, and Naval Intelligence—A BRANCH OF BRITISH INTELLIGENCE!) at the Pearl Harbor attack, also “missed” the slaughter, down the hill, of thousands of CHRISTIANS.)  


I am going to begin this writing with an excerpt (the “Introduction”) from a booklet received.  I will take up other portions of the material later but I, at present, just want you to be aware of the volume.  It is small, only 83 pages, by Gordon Larsen and can be acquired from:

ATHENS, NY 12015

We have been given permission to use any or all of this material and we are most appreciative.  This comes directly to us from:

Dr. Pierre Cloutier



Man as a social being has long recognized that, when living in a group, some kind of rules are necessary if relationships are to go along smoothly and everyone’s needs are to be met; for the purposes of this handbook, we will call these rules “government”.

Formal statements, of governmental concepts were made as far back as the Greek City-states.  The MOST IMPORTANT IDEA from that time was put forth by the leader Solon, who established the principle that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!  Needless to say, this idea was not popular with anyone in a ruling position, as it took away many “privileges” to which the ruler was entitled and therefore interfered with the ruler’s exercise of power, but while it was in force, justice prevailed for the most part and the Greek City-states flourished for a time.

The concept of the Divine Right of Kings appeared during the time of Constantine, when Christianity became the State Religion of the newly-designated Holy Roman Empire.  This Divine Right of Kings was established in part as a result of the ruling classes—Royalty and the “Church”—agreeing to exercise control over the people and the production of wealth which they represented.  It meant that the sovereignty or supreme power/authority was established in one person, the Sovereign—the King, Queen, or Emperor.  This, in turn, entitled the Sovereign to do as he or she wished; the expression “God save the King” means, “[The power and authority of] God exempts the King from having to obey the laws of the land.”  Now, this is all fine and dandy IF you happen to be the Sovereign; but everyone else soon discovered that justice was not always present in the decisions of the Sovereign.  And since the Sovereign was ABOVE THE LAW, the people had to accept those decisions whether they liked them or not.

Then, in 1776, something unique happened:  certain independent-thinking men, whom we now call our Founding Fathers, developed the concept of Sovereignty being located in the INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEING, having been put there by “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”  This established the principle of individual Sovereignty being equal to all other Sovereigns; this nullified the “Divine Right of Kings”, in which all the power and authority was embodied in one person, leaving everyone else with none.

Under this idea of Individual Sovereignty, all Free Human Beings are SOVEREIGNS WITHOUT SUBJECTS.  All Free Human Beings have certain Unalienable (ABSOLUTE) Rights which make them EQUAL BEFORE THE LAWS OF MANKIND; and these Unalienable Rights cannot be given away, bartered away, nor taken away under law except as punishment for a crime after conviction by due process of law.

The ownership by each of us of these Unalienable Rights involves the recognition that other Free Human Beings UNDER THE LAWS OF NATURE AND NATURE’S GOD are also owners of those same Rights; it would be self-contradictory to claim something for ourselves and deny it to those equal to us under the law.  The general statement of what constituted those unalienable Rights was given to the world in our Declaration of Independents:  the Unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Fundamentally speaking, Liberty and its opposite Slavery must be considered from the economic point of view and to understand one, you must understand the other.  Let’s start with the concept of slavery.

Slavery is defined as the coercion or control of the services of one person for the benefit of others; there are many incidences and badges of slavery.  Economically, the slave owner exercises coercion and/or control over the productivity of the slave.


Aton present to share with you briefly as you move into this book of information.  You are coming into the great Truths of the Cosmic Universe and actual Creation and order.  What you glean from this information is solely up to you for you are given to experience as you choose.  It is given, however, that those of you who wish to find your path unto your Source may know how to find the way and KNOW.  There are no secrets kept—only now are you ready for the next step in growth so that discernment and judgment of actions can be valid.  When the world asks, “What of the teacher, what message has he for us that is greater than all others,” you may answer :  “Behold, every LIFE, no matter how humble, no matter how tragic, no matter how broken and thwarted, has a meaning, and an inner glory and is precious in God’s sight.”

You who will come into knowing shall do goodly works such as few of My servants, and your brethren and friends, have been able to accomplish.  You shall have the TRUTH and the WAY.  You shall, further, reach that maturity wherein you shall live it and give weight a thousand fold to every word and precept that comes from the tongue—for you shall grow in the knowing that giving forth Love instead of a biting confrontation in discord brings the reward and ability for the reigning.

There have been many artists within the chronicles of men but few there have been, capable of conscious communion with Me; yet I tell you it is a responsibility that does crush the weaker brethren.  All must learn to come within communion for each is precious and each IS an artist of great value unto My needs.

Go with heart that is high from adventure to adventure, and walk always knowing that each day must render its accounting to Me.

My love shall ever guide you and guard you so that you falter not—I am with you and with KNOWING comes your comfort.  You can only come into the KNOWING by first sharing and partaking of the “knowledge”.

How can you fail to go forward, sure and calm and free?  Use all that has been given unto you—Mind and Soul—Spirit.  If you have your responsible education you will find failure leaves of your presence.  You can dwell ever in the plane of perfect inspiration and still function exposed to Earth’s vibrations for the Laws are given which will, if followed, keep you ever in balance and harmony with all that is Nature in The Creation’s perfect order.

It is My work that you do and the power of the Spirit pours upon you and no power on Earth or in the heavens can do more than help you at the moments instant—if you but KNOW.

My work shall be done…when you are prepared in the fullness of time, then the harvest will be reaped.  At this time the lives of the world are lived in narrow little places:  romance offers escape from reality.  I tell you that we bring them transfigured reality that shall move them and win them.  We shall bring Truth in such simplicity that each can KNOW and then decisions shall be left unto the individual being for the choosing.  I keep My promises made unto you—all will be kept; none have been broken; I give you strong loyalty; I shall be worthy of your allegiance.  When the wracked spirit CAUSES you concern, remember My words of promise and be strong and remember that you are not made strong by having all desires gratified—even unto your communion with ME.  You shall learn properly so that you can remain in MY PRESENCE and not turn away at your whims of physical indulgence.

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